
Following Pattern of Examination will be followed:-
Pre-Nursery to K.G.
1.Weightage System does not prevail for Pre-Nursery to K.G.
2.Monthly Test will not be conducted for these classes i.e.Pre-Nursery to K.G.
Classes I to IX:
There will be three terms.Each Term will have monthly tests as following:

Term To be held in Weightage
Term I
April to Sept.
Monthly Test-I May 10%
Monthly Test-II August 20%
Ist Terminal Sept/Oct. 20%
Oct.to Dec.
Monthly Test-III Nov. 10%
IInd terminal Dec. 20%
Term III
Jan.to Mar.
Annual Exam. March 30%

UNIT TEST:(Compulsory)
                               There will be weekly test of each subject(main)i.e.one subject per week. So that all the subjects are covered in a month.Parents-meet will be held on the last Saturday of every month.